Monday, September 30, 2019

Bailey’s Cafe

Bailey’s Cafe is a collection of deeply moving personal stories from (mainly) women deeply scared by life. Author Gloria Naylor reveals an extraordinary ability to imagine, create and relate the stories of half dozen people nearly destroyed by their pasts, yet getting some glimmer of hope in Eve’s boarding house, arrived at via Bailey’s Cafe. Naylor’s characters are desperately seeking salvation, or they will perish by their own evils that they have experienced in their lives. One such character in need is Sadie, whose violent childhood at the hands of a drug-addicted prostitute mother leads her to seek quiet and cleanliness. Bailey's Cafe is a sleazy little dive on the edge of nowhere, run by a guy who answers to the name of Baile wife, Nadine. They specialize in bad food and lost hopes, catering to a series of vividly drawn characters, all of whom have come to the end of a bitter road. In the first few lines, Bailey tells us that he was distraught at the horrors of combat and the destitution of war, and when he reached the point of giving in, he found this mysterious cafe, and began anew. His experience is not unlike the other characters in the play. They all reach Bailey’s Cafe in the hopes of not being served a hot meal, but to regain something that was lost to them. A character who I liked the most is Sadie, who tried to win her abusive mother's love by being the best, Syed 2 cleanest girl in the world. Yet after Sadie's dream of having a home of her own is hopelessly thwarted, she escapes into alcoholism and works as a whore, earning only enough to support her habit of cheap wine. Until she was four she thought her name was the one the coat hanger missed. When she did ask her mother what her name was her beat her viciously screaming â€Å"Sadie, Sadie, Sadie. † At this young age she learned that the only way out of her situation was to love. â€Å"She didn’t know she loved this empty woman in order to survive. † (Naylor, 42) Sadie was an aging wino and prostitute. Born only because her mother had botched an abortion, Sadie spent forty years of her life trying to find approval and love, first from her mother, then from an elderly husband. After losing the home that had become her reason for existing, Sadie began to drink. Her wine dreams have become so fulfilling that when she finally is offered love, she chooses illusion instead. She knew the difference in the way her mother treated her and the way other parents treated their children had to be her fault so she tried to be as good as she could. Her mother forced her to become a prostitute at the age of thirteen and when she had her first abortion her mother had the doctor sterilize her. After mother died she married the man who delivered the wood in whore house. He was like her mother so she kept his house clean and was always quiet. She always dreamt of having a house with a garden as a young girl and when her geraniums bloomed she had the garden she needed to complete dream. Syed 3 Sadie has suffered from the beginning till the end of her life. She was very strong and bold who had never given up. She sold everything she has and finally begins to sell herself. Bailey's Cafe isn't defined by just one character, but rather its world, a way station on the edge of any city anywhere, the place before there's no more places. This is a novel which depends greatly on the observations of a forthright unsophisticated who describes himself, dispiritingly, as ‘majoring in Life'. it is good for getting a feel of what is really out there and that no one is perfect it really shows you that you can find help in anything and that when you least it expect it and you’re at the bottom something is bound to come by and pick you up.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Part1. Physical items Essay

Goods: Physical items produced by business organizations. Operations Management: the management of systems or processes that create goods and/or provide services Process: One or more actions that transform inputs into outputs Services: activities that provide some combination of time, location, form, and psychological value System: a set of interrelated parts that must work together. Technology: the application of scientific discoveries to the development and improvement of goods and services Operations management requires: both knowledge of the facts and how to interpret that info in order to produce and deliver Requires constant improvement: due to competition in the marketplace and advances in technology Good process design is: customer driven. What questions> What type of process is best suited that will fulfill our customers needs What is the goal in selecting a supplier? To find the best product available for the best price you can The global market enables the operations manager: the flecibility to choose the most cost effective supplier Honda’s relationship with their suppliers is based on: trust Why did Hillrich & Bradsby implement ERP system?: to simplify their processes When do hillrich & bradsbey start their production process?: when an order is entered into the system What was the purpose of Disney’s Fast Pass?: remove the need to wait in line by using a virtual queue Measuring is an important method. Monitoring the consistency and repeatability of a process is called: statistical process control What technique does Gortac use to support continuous improvement: in manufacturing, try to be more efficient, improving quality: continuous improvement: record the days productivity numbers and compare – daily production meetings. How did ABTCO increase capacity without adding space or investing capital? : using fundamentals of operations mgmt., reorganized the manuf process to improve quality and efficiency. Closed lines producing unfrofitable products and started idle lines to fill shortages, as a result, their siding unit increased prod capacity w out adding space or capital expense.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Feasibility of Hotel to Implement Changes in Strategy Essay

Feasibility of Hotel to Implement Changes in Strategy - Essay Example This assures the guests of dependable services and satisfaction. (Gregory, G., Lumpkin, G.&Marilyn, L04). The strategy of the hotel to cope with the influx of guests is feasible because the hotel has already moved to a system of having multi-skilled works to cope up with the needs the hotel has proved this also by having them call stuff from other hotels and restaurants to the do the job. This is the flexibility that is needed for the management to work effectively and efficiently. This proves that the hotel can have a better system which is more effective by having an on and off system of hiring labor and retraining the current workers to be multi-skilled or rehiring multi-skilled workers. Changes to make sure Quality of services are there is necessary to be in place; in the case of this hotel, the guest can lose their luggage in transit to the hotel. The irritation may be transferred to the hotel, to tame and attend the guests can be hard thus a change of strategy can be implemented which allows the hotel receive their customers goods from the airlines and other transport services and being well connected with this transport networks to help to trace luggage’s and easy retrieval, this can tame the guests to allow them to enjoy the services of the hotels. The atmosphere of the hotel plays a major role in the satisfaction of the guests since this creates the impression of luxury and class. This call for a change of the hardware of the place to be stylish has a test of class. Designs traced to the current meaning of class should be present. Say adoption of the latest trends in hotel management should be prioritized.  

Risk Assessment Process Evaluation Dissertation

Risk Assessment Process Evaluation - Dissertation Example During the process of coming up with a good risk management plan one always thinks of ways to create better opportunities for their organization to strive so as to minimize risk, thus improving their organizations indirectly as they come up with ways of preventing potential risk (United States Congress House Committee on science, space, and technology, 1991, 39).Weaknesses One major weakness about the risk management planning process is that people only do it once at the beginning and assume that once they have covered the process their job is done and that any occurrence of future risk was unforeseeable. Thus, they relax on their job after they complete the first risk management process not knowing that it is continuous. If the risk management process is not done well it may fail to work as it may misguide the user on risks that are not relevant to his or her organization, thus this process should be done with a lot of care and precision and all steps should be followed to the lette r. Another weakness is that the risk management process cannot capture all risks that might affect an organization and trying to achieve such a goal is a waste of time because it is impossible. Challenges faced while coming up with the Risk Management Planning Process While coming up with the risk management process we encountered various challenges or rather difficulties that affected us. We had to come up with various strategies to overcome them. The following are the challenges we encountered and how we strategized to overcome them.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

California advocacy paper Research Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

California advocacy - Research Paper Example Legalizing marijuana would free up law-enforcement funds and manpower so they are free to tackle more urgent social issues such as gangs and violent criminals. There is precedent in other countries such as the Netherlands where, although not fully legal, use of marijuana is openly tolerated. It can be legally purchased and consumed in Amsterdam at specially licensed ‘coffee houses’ without undue risk to the general public. This fact proves that opponents claims of rampant anarchy should the drug be made legal are baseless. Available evidence in California and elsewhere proves that legalizing marijuana within the state would be beneficial to society, contribute to the welfare of the state and improve quality of life for many. A movement to make the drug legal was voted down last November in the form of Proposition 19 but was revived last month in the form of the Coalition for Cannabis Policy Reform 2012. Proposition 19 "would have allowed adults to grow and possess mariju ana and authorized cities and counties to legalize and tax sales" (Hoeffel, 2011). Proposition 19 failed by a vote of 46-54 percent last November, but may win in 2012 with larger voter turn-out due to the Presidential election and with some adjustments to the bill. Because Cannabis Policy Reform is based on the same arguments brought forward in Proposition 19, it is appropriate to examine some of the issues that were addressed by Prop 19 in examining the topic. It is important to remember in this discussion that possession of marijuana in quantities of less than an ounce is merely a civil infraction within the state rather than a criminal misdemeanor as it is in many other states after the enactment of SB 1449, signed by Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger in October of 2010. In addition, medical marijuana use and growers are also legal under state, but not federal law, following enactment of Proposition 215 in 1996 (Gieringer, 2011). This is because marijuana has proven more effective in re lieving numerous health issues than prescription drugs as is attested to by a cancer patient and former police commissioner. In addition to relieving his nausea, Jo Daly said he was â€Å"able to drastically reduce my dependence on more powerful prescription drugs that I was prescribed for pain and nausea. With the help of medical marijuana, which I ingest only occasionally and in small amounts, I no longer need the Compazine, Lorazepam, Ativan and Halcion. No combination of these medications provided adequate relief. They also caused serious side effects that I never experienced with marijuana† (1997). Proposition 19 was designed to extend the benefits of marijuana to the state and the average citizen without the need to go through the farce of obtaining a medical prescription. The provisions given under Proposition 19 would have changed things very little from where they already are today on an individual level but could have given the state numerous benefits. Individuals o ver the age of 21 would be allowed to possess and consume the drug in quantities of less than one ounce at a time in non-public places and could grow marijuana plants in a private residence with at least 25 square feet of personal space (Legislative Analyst's Office, 2009). The only difference here would be that those growing and using the drug already wouldn't need to fear being caught and

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

FACTORY LIVES PAPER Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

FACTORY LIVES PAPER - Essay Example The working conditions in the factories had become worse as the industrial revolution took place. Workers had long working hours, poor working conditions, and instability of their jobs. There were no effective government regulations to prevent unsafe and dangerous conditions for workers. A great number of accidents used to take place in factories. One such accident is narrated by William Dodd who was a factory cripple. William worked for 18 hours in an English textile factory and was given a job as a piecer which led to great pressure on his right knee, leaving him crippled. He attended his evening classes and was later given the job of a clerk in the factory which made him badly crippled1. Another story is the Factory Girl written by Ellen Johnston telling about her experiences as a child worker in a factory. She writes how she was physically abused and so was her mother. She was a writer but she worked in factories all her life which also lead to her bad health and eventually she had to shift to Scotland as the doctor suggested change of air2. Women and children were made to work for long hours in dangerous conditions that cost people their lives. William Dodd led a bachelor’s life because no woman wanted to marry a cripple. The Cry of the Children by Elizabeth Barrett demonstrates the tough working conditions for children as they had to work in mines and manufactories. The factory workers’ lives weren’t just torturous while at work, they struggled with a working life outside factories too. Ellen explains in her autobiography how she suffered physical abuse at the hands of her mother when she tried to run away from the factory work. She also received a bad reputation in the society just because she wanted to run away from the tough factory working life her mother was living. These workers lived a tough life as they had to spend long hours at work, their wages were low, and they had low

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Distinctive Characteristics of American Culture and Character Acquired Essay - 1

Distinctive Characteristics of American Culture and Character Acquired Throughout History - Essay Example Trends in household appliances and fashion started to pick up. They also started to fill their leisure time by participating in sports and other various activities like going to amusement parks. These changes then had an impact in the literature of that time and it targeted the middle class that was gradually growing. After 1910, the American culture experienced very little change (Fischer 23). Between 1870 and 1900, public-school enrollment doubled. This had a ripple effect that increased the number of high school and college students in the same period. The effect of this was that the level of illiteracy was very much reduced. There was also a growth in elementary schools, which went hand in hand with the growth of immigrants, and most parents saw this as a venue for acculturation. Martial arts, sciences, and American history were classes that were added into the curriculum around this period. It supplemented the basic curriculum of arithmetic, reading, and writing. Higher education expanded as universities and colleges, by 1900, had around 250,000 students. This was four times the number the universities and colleges had thirty years before. Act of The way Americans dressed and ate was changed by mass production. Hand-made clothing became less and less popular after the civil war. People became rather accustomed to wearing clothes that were ready made and were on sale in retail outlets. These retail outlets were however found mostly in large cities. However, Aaron Montgomery in 1872 started a mail-order business and thus the Americans did not have to visit these retail stores to buy clothes. This turned out to be quite a successful business for Montgomery and he dealt with a variety of commodities from agricultural products to clothes. In 1896, the Rural Free Delivery service made mail-order more accessible. With due time, increased accessibility to a wide variety of foods by people all over the country was experienced.

Monday, September 23, 2019

Military and Business Leadership - Similarities and Differences Term Paper

Military and Business Leadership - Similarities and Differences - Term Paper Example The study used both qualitative and quantitative methodology in gauging the responses of military soldiers particularly those who have been deployed to Afghanistan and business managers from different organizations. The online survey questionnaire was accomplished by a total of 250 respondents wherein 200 coming from the military group and the remaining 50 from the business group. The findings suggested that there are indeed a number of traits and qualities that business leaders could adopt from military leadership with regards to effective crisis management. Moreover, there are major skills or qualities of military leaders which are admired most and are considered best applied in crisis management. In addition, business managers also stressed the need to adopt such skills and qualities from a military perspective of crisis management as they feel that these are needed to effectively address crisis situations in a business setting. These are comprised of courage or bravery, being ana lytical, intelligence, being influential, compassion and relationship-building. Business and military leadership do have differences, particularly in the expected traits and qualities. However, when it comes to crisis management, a combination of traits from both realms is effectual.  In recent decades, leadership has never faced a challenge as big as it does now. The organizations that survived and flourished through periods of great uncertainty in the past are suddenly finding themselves bankrupt and are disappearing almost overnight caught in the great economic crisis that has engulfed the world today (Davey and Smith, 2009). The centuries of research in leadership and management theories and practice suddenly seem to be found lacking in content. There is a great need for leadership lessons for the corporate leaders of present times, so that they may guide their organizations to survive through the ongoing economic and management crisis. Global executives of top multinational c ompanies responded with eight answers when they were asked what according to them the most important leadership quality was. The eight essential leadership qualities identified were humility, energy, intuition, vision, perspective, passion, conviction and learning (Harvard Business Review, 2007). This forms the trigger for this research study.

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Kant Moral Ethics Essay Example for Free

Kant Moral Ethics Essay Immanuel Kants moral theory can be best explained by comparing it to a math equation. Kants moral system will always hold true no matter what the circumstance just like how two plus two will always equal four. According to Kant, our lives should be lived according to maxims that can be willed into universal law (Kant, Fundamental Principles of the Metaphysic of Morals, p 303). However the action regarding a moral decision is not judged by the consequences of that action, rather by the motive of that action. Kants the method of moral reasoning starts off by first realizing the principle the rational agent is acting under. To fully understand what this means, a rational agent is to be defined as an entity who is capable of making rational decisions regardless of their natural inclinations. This condition excludes such examples as, animals, infants, and people in a coma from being considered to be a rational agent because they do not show the capacity to reason. After realizing the principle the person is acting under, determine if the reason is morally right. In order to determine if the maxim is ethical and able to be willed into universal law, it must pass three tests: autonomy, respect for humanity, and the kingdom of ends. Autonomy describes the feeling of accomplishment. This can be illustrated as a man who promises his wife that he will take off the weekend from golfing and file their tax reports. By keeping his promise to his wife he not only feels the satisfaction from finishing their tax report but also, more importantly feels good about following through with his promise. Autonomy is important because if the husband breaks his promises and lives his life as a promise breaker then this maxim is clearly self-defeating. The entire maxim of promising to break promises does not pass the test of autonomy therefore could never be passed as a universal law. However, if after passing the autonomy test, then a principle must also respect everyone elses autonomy. In order to respect humanity, make decisions that show an overall concern for rational agents. If by treating them as a rational agent, then the principle will not affect another persons ability rationalize. In order to do this, it is never acceptable to treat a rational being as merely a means (Kant, Fundamental Principles of the Metaphysic of Morals, p 307). That is to say, the act of rape treats the rational agent as a means to sexual gratification. The act of rape does not respect the agent as a rational being and could never be willed into a moral universal law. However if a principle was able to pass the first two conditions, then it is necessary to subject it to the kingdom of ends test. The kingdom of ends is composed of a group of rational agents all with different objectives in life. The importance of having different objectives in life insures that all perspectives and backgrounds have been covered. These agents have been given the responsibility of creating a free society. A free society entails laws that every rational agent in that society would agree upon. If the principle is not a measure that the kingdom of ends would enact, then the principle, by Kants definition, is immoral. Let us analyze the principle of apathy. Living an apathetic life does indeed pass the test of autonomy and by showing indifference to other rational agents it also passes the test of humanity. However, apathy would not pass the kingdom of ends, as no rational being would accept such a maxim. As a result, an apathetic life could not be passed as universal law. As an example, we will refer back to the persecution of Jews during World War II. Say a man is hiding a Jew in his house and the Gestapo comes knocking on door. However, as the Gestapo questions the man of the whereabouts of the Jew, the man cannot lie and say that no one is hiding within his house, but at the same time, if he were to tell the truth he would be indirectly bringing harm upon himself and the Jew. The man should question the Gestapo about what they plan on doing to the Jew once they have located him. According to Kant, consequences have no relevance, although if all possible consequences were known, then it would be permissible to lightly take them into account. Since telling the truth by giving the Gestapo the whereabouts of the Jew would bring direct harm, it is permissible to lie. The maxim would be to never lie unless the truth results direct or indirect harm. This maxim respects autonomy and human nature and would be pass the kingdom of ends test and thus can be willed into universal moral law. Now take the case of Harry and Sally, according to Kantian moral reasoning, should Sally seduce Harry? If Sally were to seduce Harry by taking him back to her place and having sex with him, she would be using him as a means to her ends. By Sally using Harry simply as a means to achieve her ends, that moral decision is breaking a fundamental Kantian principle. Using people as only a means is never acceptable. The difference between Sally seducing Harry into sex and Sally having consensual sex with Harry is the difference of deception and coercion. According to Mappes, deception and coercion are the methods for sexually using someone (Mappes, Sexual Morality, p. 166). The whole idea is based off the respect for an individual person to voluntarily make their own decisions. By deceiving someone, it is clearly misleading a person to make a decision that they would not have made, had it been on their own regard. However the objection can be made that Sally should do what ultimately brings her pleasure. Using Utilitarian morality, something that results in the greater pleasure, or avoidance of harm, of the populations involved is morally correct. Even though Harry is somewhat apprehensive of the whole casual sex idea, he is not defiant or strongly against it. It can even be reasoned that Harry might even enjoy himself once him and Sally are having sex. And also, casual sex is perfectly okay if there is no lying, deceiving, or exploiting (Elliston, In Defense of Promiscuity, p. 170). I believe Ellistons definition of deceiving is different that Kants definition. Kant covers all and any type of deception as immoral. Elliston agrees that deception is indeed immoral, but his definition of deception would be a man telling a woman he does not have herpes when indeed he does. As long as sex is consensual, there is no harm. Sally would only be seducing Harry back to her house under, say, the premise to watch a movie, however when the actual act of intercourse happens, Harry is not being deceived at all. Even with the arguments above, Sally would ultimately be using Harry simply as a means to achieve her ends of sexual pleasure. By using Kantian morality, Sally should not pressure Harry to going home with her nor should she try to seduce him. Kant reasons that human beings have been given this gift of free will to act as the dividing line between humans and animals. Animals are considered animals because they lack the ability to rationalize. What then, is the ultimate value and purpose of having a free will? If the point of having a free will was to seek pleasure and avoid harm, then we are nothing more than animals and have wasted this ability to reason. Instead, humans have free will so they could follow moral law. Therefore, follow moral law even in situations where social laws or natural inclinations could conflict. By following Kants moral reasoning, what we do in our lives is right not only because we ourselves believe it to be right but also since we have willed it to become universal law, it could not possibly be wrong. The maxims that we base our lives on are intrinsically good because we are able to will it into universal law. Therefore, moral decisions made using Kants ideas can be applied universally. Kants ideas show respect for humanity and peoples decisions are not made for selfish pleasure seeking reasons by treating people as a means, but rather they are made based on universal morals and by treating everybody as an rational agent. By following Kants moral reasoning a rational agent will be able to make the right decision when faced with any type of moral dilemma.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Maximilian’s Letter Essay Example for Free

Maximilian’s Letter Essay In Maximilians letter to Minister Siliceo, he expressed a deep desire to improve the educational system in Mexico, such that he wanted Mexicos literacy level to be at par with those of the developed countries. His goal was to make education free for everyone, at least on the elementary level. In writing this, he made it clear that literacy should be a top priority and thinking otherwise would be detrimental to Mexico. From general instructions, like free elementary education for all and a secondary school designed to become a basis for specialized studies, he went on to specify that ancient and modern languages, as well natural sciences be taught in school for the purpose of achieving significant mental exercise for the young minds or the students of Mexico. Maximilian was emphatic about educating the students with modern languages because according to him, modern languages is nowadays absolutely essential for a Nation that intends to participate in world affairs (page 24). He further stressed that knowledge of modern languages is instrumental to maintaining and preserving Mexicos relations with other nations. In essence, Maximilian was implying the importance of standing on ones own feel while being inter-dependent with others, too. This is an excellent point of view because Maximilian did not want Mexico to be great yet isolated; rather, he wanted Mexico to become a self-sustaining nation that could interact competently with other nations as well. Interestingly, even physical education was not far from Maximilians concerns. In fact, Maximilian asked Minister Siliceo to pay as much attention to the physical well-being and activities, as to the intellectual development of the students. The longer his letter to Minister Siliceo becomes, the clearer it manifests that he had carefully planned the educational system of Mexico in his mind in such a way that it would never be left behind by the modern and advanced countries of the world. In the same manner that Maximilian wanted a balanced attention to physical education and intellectual development, he also stressed the importance of balanced attention to the sciences and the arts in higher and professional studies. Maximilian became extra emphatic when he discussed the science that was still not widely appreciated in Mexico at the time philosophy. He described philosophy as the science that strengthens the intellect, teaches man to know himself, and as a result of this self-knowledge, to comprehend the moral order of human society. In this point of the letter, it is very clear that Maximilian was not a conservative thinker. For one, he did not choose to stick to what has been the educational paradigm in Mexico; instead, he called for the introduction and promotion of philosophy among students. He was completely liberal in his flow of thought, such that he implied a hasty call for change so that the students become competent in philosophy, so that their intellect be strengthened, so that self-knowledge becomes a reality, and subsequently the students would see the moral order of human society from the perspective of an independent logical thinker. Maximilian also gave Minister Siliceo a piece of his mind regarding the Roman Catholic Church, which was the dominant church in Mexico at the time (and up to now). Religion, according to Maximilian, â€Å"is a matter of an individual’s conscience. † Here, he meant to say that choice of religion should not be shoved down the young minds of the student in a strict manner because ultimately, it is the human conscience that would decide what to choose. Maximilan further noted, â€Å"The less the State interferes with religious questions, the truer to its mission it will remain. † By this, Maximilian meant to emphasize that the State and the Church should be independent from each other. However, the issue of religious education is the responsibility of the State, and not the Church. Education, in all its level and facets, should be administered and operated by the State, according to Maximilian. This is the only way that the State can be faithful in its responsibility to educate the young minds of Mexico. In his letter, Maximilian told Minister Siliceo, â€Å"your drafts and proposals will emphasize the principle that local parishes give religious instruction in lower and middle schools on the basis of books approved by the Government. Essentially, everyone can choose their religion. In fact, everyone can learn about religion. However, if anyone wishes to learn more about religion than what the State approves of, then s/he would have to find an appropriate venue, other than the educational institutions operated by the State. Maximilian made it clear that the clergy would be educated in the way of the Church, but the rest of the students would learn according to the educational design of the Government. Ultimately, Maximilian wanted to preserve the independence and separation of the Church and the Government, and leave religion and religious beliefs to the human conscience. In Maximilian’s words, â€Å"We have freed the Church and science. † Therefore, as far as Maximilian was concerned, young minds will learn not the ways of the clergy but the ways of science. Finally, Maximilian instructed Minister Siliceo to train the best educators and provide good books for the total improvement and maintenance of the educational system in Mexico.