Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Critically examine the circumstances under which the United Nations Security Council can trigger the exercise of jurisdiction by the International Criminal Court. The WritePass Journal

Critically examine the circumstances under which the United Nations Security Council can trigger the exercise of jurisdiction by the International Criminal Court. Abstract Critically examine the circumstances under which the United Nations Security Council can trigger the exercise of jurisdiction by the International Criminal Court. ) ICC Now, iccnow.org/?mod=court 11 December 2013. Coalition for the International Criminal Court. (2012) A Universal Court with Global Support UN and the ICC, ICC Now, [Online], Available: iccnow.org/?mod=unicc [11 December 2013]. Corrina Heyder, The UN Security Security Councils Referral of the Crimes in Darfur to the International Criminal Court in Light of US Opposition to the Court: Implications for the International Criminal Courts Functions and Status (2006) Berkeley Journal of International Law, Volume 24, Issue Dapo Akande, The Jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court over Nationals of Non-Parties: Legal Basis and Limits (2003) Journal of International Criminal Justice, Volume 1. David Blunkett and Geoffrey Bindman, ‘Government versus the law’ (2002) Law Society Gazette, Issue 38, LS Gaz, 03 Oct. David Wippman, Atrocities, Deterrence and the Limits of International Justice (1999) Fordham International Law Journal, Volume 23. Donald Hafner and Elizabeth King, ‘Beyond traditional notions of transitional justice: how trials, truth commissions and other tools of accountability can and should work together’ (2007) International and Comparative Law Review, Volume 30, Article 6. Europa, ‘Genocide, Crimes Against Humanity and War Crimes: Criminal Investigation and Prosecution’ (2003) Summaries of EU Legislation, http://europa.eu/legislation_summaries/justice_freedom_security/judicial_cooperation_in_criminal_matters/l16005_en.htm 11 December 2013. Global Campaign for the Crime of Aggression, The ICC and the UN Security Security Council (2013) Crime of Aggression, http://crimeofaggression.info/role-of-the-icc/the-icc-and-the-un-security-Security Council/ 12 December 2013. Margot E Salomon, Global Responsibility for Human Rights: World Poverty and the Development of International Law (OUP Oxford, 2007). Maximo Langer, Universal Jurisdiction as Janus Faced (2013) Journal of International Criminal Justice, Volume 11, Issue 4. Michelle Maiese, ‘Human Rights Protection’ (2004) beyondintractability.org/essay/human_rights_protect/ 12 December 2013. Mohamed El-Zeidy, M, ‘The United Nations Dropped the Atomic Bomb of Vanderbilt’ (2002) Journal of Trans National Law, Volume 35. Scott Straus, Darfur and the Genocide Debate, International Commission for Inquiry on Darfur (2005) Report of the International Commission for Inquiry on Darfur to the United Nations Secretary General, un.org/News/dh/sudan/com_inq_darfur.pdf 12 December 2013. Tomasz Iwanek,   ‘The 2003 Invasion of Iraq: How the System Failed’ (2010) Journal of Conflict and Security Law 89, Volume 15, Issue 1. SIPRI, ‘UN Arms Embargo on Libya’ (2011), sipri.org/databases/embargoes/un_arms_embargoes/libya/libya_2011 [17 December 2013]. United Nations, International Organisations (2010) International Relations Law, Volume 61, 5th Edition. Luigi Condorelli and Annalisa Ciampi, Comments on the Security Security Council Referral of the Situation in Darfur to the ICC (2005) Journal of International Criminal Justice, Volume 11, Issue 5. United Nations, General Assembly, Human Rights Security Council, (2010) Thirteenth Session, Agenda item 7, Human Rights Situation in Palestine and other occupied Arab territories, http://unispal.un.org/UNISPAL.NSF/0/2B74828D74985F67852576D9005AA5EE, 12 December 2013. United Nations, International Organisations (2010) International Relations Law, Volume 61, 5th Edition. Mohammad Shouman, The Role of the UN Security Security Council in the ICC (2012) ICJ Central, http://ijcentral.org/blog/the_role_of_the_u.n._security_Security Council_in_the_icc/ 11 December 2013.

Sunday, March 1, 2020

Get a job in sales with no experience

Get a job in sales with no experience Are you facing this classic career conundrum: You’re interested in getting a job in sales, which often requires sales experience, but you’re new to the field and don’t know how to break in. How do you get a job that often requires experience when you’re just starting out?Don’t let these questions derail you from pursuing a career in sales- there are pathways forward, even without a packed resume. Consider the following strategies if you’re interested in getting a job in sales but lack experience.Start at the bottom.This is a traditional way of starting out in a new industry or field- but it’s still relevant and effective today! Consider working under an experienced salesperson or sales team in an industry that interests you- perhaps as an assistant or intern if feasible- and make the most of that opportunity to learn the ropes and get your feet wet. Not only will you learn the ins and outs of sales, you’ll also have valuable exp erience that you can include on your resume.Highlight transferable skills.Revisit your resume in an effort to spin the work experience you do have to highlight your â€Å"sales potential.† Think about the qualities that good salespeople possess- are you talented at public speaking and delivering presentations? Do you have experience convincing colleagues of the value of your ideas on projects? Perhaps you’re a negotiating whiz with a track record of proven results? These are all transferable skills- they’ve served you well in your current or past positions and they’re potentially valuable skills in the world of sales. Make sure your resume’s bullet points and your cover letters make a convincing case for why this is true.Sell yourself in interviews.If you’ve followed the previous advice and made a great case in your resume and cover letter regarding your transferable skills and have landed an interview for a sales job, then congratulations- you’ve made a big first step forward. Your next step is to consider your interview as your first big sales challenge- you’re about to face a potentially tough â€Å"client† and your goal is to â€Å"sell† them on the idea that you’re worth taking a chance on!Before the day of the interview, make sure your persuasive skills are razor sharp, come equipped with real-world examples of how you’ve used your transferable, sales-related skills in previous positions effectively, and practice selling individuals- perhaps a friend, colleague, or family member- on the idea of hiring you for a sales job. Consider this time and effort an investment in your career goals.Do your homework.Another feather you can add to your job-hunting cap is a deep knowledge of each company you’re pursuing, along with some core industry knowledge. Invest some time in researching the field and how the company stacks up against the competition. Look for things that imp ress you about the company and be sure to include them in your cover letter as reasons why you’re eager to join the team. Also consider learning and dropping a few key sales industry terms in your cover letter- but don’t overdo it or it could come off as more pandering than knowledgeable.Face the challenge!When you’re going after a job in sales but have little or no experience, you’re facing an uphill challenge. You need to work extra hard in order to tip the odds in your favor, and the strategies listed here will help you do just that. The rest is up to you!